From the October 15, 2010 performance of the Pulse and TAKE Dance project, The Distance of the Moon.
1. The Distance of the Moon (choreographer: Takehiro Ueyama; music: Joseph C. Phillips Jr.)
2. Penumbra (choreographer: Kile Hotchkiss; music: Darcy James Argue)
3. Evening Song (choreographer: Jill Echo; music: Yumiko Sunami)
4. And Dance By the Light of the Moon (choreogrpaher: Takehiro Ueyama; music: Joshua Shneider)
5. Long Night Moon (choreographer: Julie Tice; music: JC Sanford)
6. Moonlight (choreographer: Takehiro Ueyama; dancer: Marie Zvosec; music: Max Jhin Jaffe)
7. Moonshine (choreographer: Jill Echo; music: Jamie Begian)