For your reading pleasure, the best in recent interweb pamphleteering:
Alex Ross (The Rest Is Noise) commands you to Ignore Mozart. (Or at least, that's what his post was initially titled. He has since revised it to the somewhat more accurate but less punkrock Celebrate Mozart by Ignoring Mozart.)
Also, Alex Ross's first-call sub, Justin Davidson, has some thoughts on the new Hearst tower, which is incidentally the first major NYC building I've seen during every phase of its construction.
Composer-critic Kyle Gann's PostClassic is of course required reading for anyone interested in composition, but his recent posts charting the history of Metametrics (loosely: non-academic post-minimalist polymetric music) have been especially strong, complete with audio clips and score excerpts. Check out Metametrics: Origins, Metametrics: Origins 2, and Nested 3:2 Addendum… and take notes, because this will be on the midterm.
While you're at it, check out this profile of Kyle Gann and fellow composer Steve Layton, on life after minimalism. Be sure to listen to the included audio clips from both composers' works -- Gann's "Faith" is killing. (And I say that as someone who normally can't stand choral works.)
Mwanji Ezana (be.jazz) comments on the recent NYT piece on the one-year anniversary of the Jazz at Lincoln Center compound.
Steve Smith (Night After Night) on new "it" composer Osvaldo Golijov and his chamber opera Ainadamar (which just wrapped up at Lincoln Center. There's more to come, though.)
The Bad Plus (Do The Math) talk Art Ensemble of Chicago.
Sasha Frere-Jones discovers chessboxing. (Incidentally, who was the critic who once compared listening to Wayne Shorter to getting beat up by a chess player?)
David Ryshpan is a talented young piano player I met at The Madness. He has a worthy new blog, Settled in Shipping, which you should read. Posts so far include his excellent diaries from The Madness and an ambitious piece on music and linguistics.
Finally, via jds (Latitude 44.2 North), a helpful list of 2005's Most Loathsome People in America. Any list that contains Johnny Damon, Thomas Freidman, the Discovery Institute's Bruce Chapman, Michelle Malkin, and Pat Robertson is okay by me.
[xposted at Secret Society]
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