Hello everyone. Thanks for checking out our thing. It's been quite a journey over the last couple of years, and I'm sure there's only more adventure ahead. It's been very educational & inspiring to me working with these 6 other composers. I'm intrigued by their music, but also the way they each operate in life.
This next concert is gonna be really neato, I think. It's in a really unique space right in the middle of a park (and across the street from my favorite bar)! I'm glad we've been able to give each performer a little bit of featured time. They are all so wonderful for dedicating their time, efforts, and emotional involvement. We can't thank them enough, so hopefully many folks will come out to see/hear them shine.
I thought I'd let you readers in on what's going on with me to get a glimpse of what we're all up to outside of our Pulse projects. I just finished a commissioned wind ensemble piece for New England Conservatory which includes 3 jazz standards associated with Billie Holiday. Patrice Williamson will be the featured vocalist with the 30-piece ensemble.
The Schumacher/Sanford Sound Assembly (the original music big band I co-lead) just finished mixing our CD that we recorded back in August at Systems Two. We're very pleased with it and hope it's available some day soon, so stay tuned.
I'm also preparing for a gig with the John Hollenbeck Large Ensemble at the Kitchen on February 17-18. It's all his music, but I do conduct the group. His CD "A Blessing" (OmniTone) was nominated for a 2005 Grammy Award in the Best Large Ensemble category. If you haven't heard it or this group or any of John's groups, and you like new music of any kind, you should definitely check it out.
Anyway, I hope we get a lot of folks at the concert on Tuesday.
And here endeth my inital blog experience. Was it good for you?
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